3 Tech Trends to Follow in 2020

2019 was defined by several tech trends that have made the world a better place than it was a couple of decades ago. These trends have had both negative and positive impacts on the economies of the world. But, it is expected that some of the trends will be carried over to 2020. Artificial intelligence, 3D printing, and blockchain are among the trends that are expected to have a big following in 2020. The tech trends will be deployed in almost all sectors of the world economies. Here are the 3 tech trends that will be keenly watched by the Ranking Squad in 2020.

1. Machine learning and Artificial intelligence

ML and AI will be more pronounced in 2020 than they were in2019. According to experts, technologies will play a vital role in the production of goods and cybersecurity. In the cyber world, AI and ML will be offered as a service. In fact, most people are looking forward to a year of enhanced cybersecurity. In 2019, there were over 5 billion records of breaches in different areas including credit cards, phone numbers, and home addresses. But with the advancement in AI and MI, the instances are expected to reduce drastically. The two technologies will help to detect threats and malicious attacks. They will also play a vital role in analyzing mobile endpoints.

2. BlockChain

technologyA blockchain is not a new concept. It first came into the limelight a decade ago. Currently, it is used in cryptocurrency, investments and banking industry. It refers to a chain of blocks where digital information is stored in a public database. Ideally, blockchains are used to store digital pieces of information about a transaction. It stores information about the amount involved, date and time the transaction took place. It also stores details of the people participating in the transaction. In blockchains, your record identifies you without using things like username, digital signature and so forth. The information could be stored in blocks that are distinct and unique. Each of the block stores unique codes that allow one to distinguish each one of them. A single blockchain can store up to 1 MB of data. It means that each block is capable of housing a few thousands of transactions. With more transactions, more blocks are created. This is what results in a blockchain.

3. 3D printing

3 D printers have been around for over 3 decades. Initially, they were deployed to rapid prototyping. But lately, they are being used for both production and prototyping. The technology can now be used for automotive manufacturing and making aerospace parts.  Besides, the technology can be deployed to manufacture healthcare products such as teeth aligners’, surgical models and cranial implants. With additive manufacturing, it is now possible for one to easily build a component. It starts with one layer, then adding more layers until the entire part is complete. It entails building something from nothing but adds a layer after layer until the entire part is completed.

3 D printing technology is currently being used to fabricate replicable. It is also used in tissue generation. It is expected that the technique will be used to develop implantable structures in the future. These structures will be used to treat diseases like lung cancer, dysphagia, bone defects, and pulmonary complications.

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