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Why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same place


In the world of Agile software development, the Daily Scrum is an important element of the Scrum framework. In fact, it is one of the five mandatory events of Scrum. This concise meeting, often referred to as a daily standup, plays a critical role in keeping the sprint on track. The essence of the Daily Scrum lies in its consistency—both in timing and location. This article delves into the reasons behind this consistent approach and how it benefits Agile teams.

The Concept of Daily Scrum

Definition and Purpose of the Daily Scrum

The Daily Scrum, as defined by Scrum Alliance, is a brief, time-boxed event for Agile teams to synchronize activities and plan for the next 24 hours. This short gathering is an opportunity for team members to discuss progress and address any roadblocks affecting their sprint goals.

It is time-boxed to 15 minutes. That means it can be shorter than 15 minutes, but is not supposed to go on longer. A Scrum Master should ensure that any open conversations can be continued in separate forums but those not participating in them can leave.

The Role of Daily Scrum in Agile Software Development

In Agile development, the Daily Scrum is more than just a meeting; it’s a crucial process that fosters transparency, inspection, and adaptation within the sprint cycle. It ensures the team remains focused and aligned with the sprint goal, an essential aspect of Scrum methodology. And it is an important “Inspect-Adapt” opportunity, since the team can inspect their progress against the Sprint Goal, consider recent events and learnings since the last Daily Scrum, and adapt the plan (i.e. the Sprint Backlog) accordingly.

The Importance of Consistency in Time and Place

Benefits of Holding the Daily Scrum at the Same Time and Place Each Day

Consistency in the Daily Scrum serves multiple purposes. It creates a routine that aids in reducing complexity and aids in mental preparation. Team members know exactly when to gather and what to expect, enhancing the meeting’s efficiency.

How Consistency Aids in Planning and Preparation for Team Members

This regularity helps team members plan their day around the Scrum, ensuring that they are prepared with updates on their progress and aware of any challenges they may face, thus promoting a consistent schedule in their daily workflow.

Who Attends the Daily Scrum?

Roles Involved: Developers, Scrum Master, Product Owner

The primary attendees of the Daily Scrum are the developers. However, the Scrum Master and Product Owner may also participate, especially if they are actively involved in the sprint backlog.

The Role of Observers from Outside the Scrum Team

Individuals outside the core team, like stakeholders, may attend as observers. This inclusion promotes transparency across the broader team while maintaining the meeting’s focus on the core development team. (The Scrum Guide recently removed the official title of “Development Team”, so I am using the term informally here).

Structure and Conduct of the Daily Scrum

Time-Boxing and Focus of the Meeting

The Daily Scrum is strictly time-boxed to 15 minutes, fostering a sense of urgency and focus, ensuring the meeting remains on topic.

Common Formats: Three Questions Format, Walking the Wall

Formats like the three questions (what was done yesterday, plans for today, and any impediments) or walking the wall (reviewing the task board) are popular in structuring these meetings. However, I don’t actually think the “Three Questions” are a good structure for the Daily Scrum. I recommend that teams focus on progress against the Sprint Goal, and the plan for the day.

Guidelines for Effective Meeting Conduct

For effective conduct, each team member should be concise and to the point, with one person speaking at a time, and the Scrum Master facilitating but not dominating the discussion. To be honest, the Scrum Master doesn’t even really need to be there (most teams don’t realise this!).

It is fundamentally an event for and by the developers.

Benefits of the Daily Scrum

Enhancing Communication and Collaboration Within the Team

The Daily Scrum enhances team communication, ensuring everyone is aware of the sprint’s status and their colleagues’ challenges, thereby helping collaboration.

Fostering Quick Decision-Making and Problem Identification

By regularly identifying and discussing impediments, the team can make quicker decisions and adapt their sprint backlog as needed.

Challenges and Solutions

Dealing with Different Time Zones for Distributed Teams

For distributed teams, finding a common time that works for all can be challenging. Flexibility and consideration of all members’ time zones are key.

Keeping the Meeting Brief and Focused

The challenge is to keep these stand-ups brief yet productive. This requires discipline and adherence to the time-boxed nature of the meeting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and place?
To reduce complexity and ensure consistency in the team’s routine.

Who should attend the Daily Scrum?
Primarily the developers, with the Scrum Master and Product Owner as needed.

What is the structure of the Daily Scrum?
Determined by developers, typically time-boxed to 15 minutes.


In summary, the Daily Scrum is a cornerstone of the Scrum framework, crucial for maintaining the rhythm and focus of the sprint. It is a vehicle for ensuring continuous communication, collaboration, and transparency within Agile teams. By holding this event at the same time and place, teams establish a routine that underpins the successful execution of Agile projects.

The consistent and efficient conduct of the Daily Scrum, as highlighted by Blocshop, plays an integral role in the successful implementation of Scrum methodology, supporting the overall health and progress of Agile projects.

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